llibres - books


Histories, llegendes, miraclesi tradiciones de Selva, Caimari, Moscari, Biniamar i el llogaret de Biniamar (2002)

Guia de Binibona (2002)

Sa Comuna de Caimari el home i el bosc. (2006)

Selva. Això era i no era... una història vertadera. (2006)

Moscari i el seu districte (2006)

Els Rondalles no escrites (2007)

On Panther Hill (2007)

The Boys'Doodle Book (2008)

The Girl's Doodle Book (2008)

Las Rarezas de los Pájaros (2008)

Explore, Dream Discover (2009)

The Telephone Doodle Book (2009) also in French, Italian, German and Dutch

The 2nd Boys'Doodle Book (2009)

The 2nd Girl's Doodle Book (2009)

Remember the Alamo (2009)

Easy as Pi (2009)

F My Life (2009)

Off with their heads! (2009)

The Northern Monkey Survival Guide (2009)

Being Popular - Doozandohntz (2010)

Parent Training - Doozandohntz (2010)

Dinosaur Doodles (2010)

I wish I Knew That (2010)

The Wimpy Vampire (2010)

Complete book list